Tegan and Sara Return.

So FINALLY. A new Tegan and Sara Song. “Closer.” Very nice. Welcome back ladies..

<p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/48270130″>Tegan and Sara “Closer”</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/user2711036″>Darxstarr</a&gt; on <a href=”http://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

If this is what the new album will be like, YESSSSSS is all I have to say. Loving the dance route. They do it right.


Blogging is Fundamental. Podcast #17 Grace, Niko, Rocco, Twin Shadow, & Much More..

Alright chillrens,

It’s time for another mindboggling, award winning (in my mind anyway), energizing podcast. So here it is.. coming at you harder than than a dodgeball. DUCK!!




Click the pic for a larger view.. sit back, relax, and enjoy..



Rocco Deluca & The Burden – How Fast

Fitz & The Tantrums – L.O.V.

M83 – Midnight City (Big Black Delta Remix)

Linkin Park – Lost In The Echo

Twin Shadow – Patient

Jack White – Love Interruption

Grace Jones – Pull Up To The Bumper

Leona Lewis – Better In Time

SafetySuit – Crash

Madonna – Don’t Tell Me

City and Colour – Fragile Bird

Neko Case – People Got A Lotta Nerve

Stereo MC’s – Connected

Fidelity Jones – Destructor

Kelly Hogan -Sleeper Awake

Garbage – I Hate Love

Garland Jeffreys – Rock and Roll Music

Lisa Bianco – No Doubt About It

Mint Julep – Time is Distance

Shalamar  – A Night to Remember (12″ Inch Version)


Linkin Burns It Down..

I can’t remember specifically WHEN I became a fan of Linkin Park. I mean I don’t remember the date, per se. I remember watching MTV, disgruntled by things at my first job out of college, and I saw this spiky haired guy singing “All these thoughts they make no sense.. I find bliss in ignorance. Nothing seems to go away..over and over again..Everything you say to me gets me one step closer to the edge and I’m about to break..” And I was hooked. Instantly. With my obsessive nature, I immediately ran upstairs to find out everything I could on this band.. this Linkin Park. From names, ages, albums, everything. My time became consumed with them. And them only. I bought “Hybrid Theory” and was determined to learn every line, know every tempo change, BPM, even mimicking the scratching done by Joe Hahn. Yeah, I became one of those fans bands probably can’t stand. But this group struck a chord. From “Runaway,” “Crawling.” “Papercut,” among others, they sang about frustration, acceptance, isolation, and rising above it. I listened to that album everyday for over a year. A YEAR. I still don’t do that for ANY band I’m a fan of as of now. Don’t get me wrong I adore all my favorite bands, but none are as good as this one.

Over the years, LP has stretched the limits in sound and technology. They’ve experimented with different tones, samples, and electronica. Fans have been fickle with liking LP’s later stuff,  myself included, but I will always ALWAYS support them. They are probably the one remaining rock band band 2000 that still sells seats to thousands of people in this country and probably millions around the world. They are a commodity, a business, an organization, and to all of us hard core fans, a gateway to getting through all the bullshit surrounding you on a day to day basis.

Last night, I saw them in VA. And if anyone knows how much I despise VA, to drive to that state, it had better be good.


Last night, it was beyond good.


Thanks guys, for giving me and thousands of others, a good night. And thanks for getting us through hard times. And for proving that once again, Linkin Rules. Period. And screw whoever doesn’t agree. You kicked ass.