Song of the Day: Nick Jonas’ “Chains”

I know I’m a little old for Jonas Brothers. I get that. The only song of theirs I know is “Burning Up” and no, it’s not a remake of the Madonna classic. It was a perfect pop gem and it was on my radio no shorter than a 1000 times a day. Never really gave them a second look.

Until Nick Jonas.

I will be honest, he is quite a tasty bit of eye candy. It’s hard to believe he’s so soooo muscular and brooding when it hasn’t been THAT long since he was the curly haired baby faced sibbling. I think we ladies all did a little bit of a happy dance when he finally became legal. He’s already released one solo album but this new single for his second album is just ridiculously tight, and catchy, and pop gold. It’s called “Chains.” The video is dark and mysterious, as you will see below but the melody is just incredibly addictive and that beat, played in the right music system, might blow out a few speakers. From the sparse beat in the first ten seconds, to the loud explosion of music during the chorus, it’s absolutely perfect for my headphones. I’ve always said that I don’t care who you are – if you have a good melody and beat I’m down. The song is about a woman who has a hold of him (the chains, if you will) and no matter how hard he tries to break them, the chains yank him back to her. He knows she’s no good, but he is just addicted. Poor guy. So I thought I’d pass this song along. And thank you Nick Jonas for giving my ears something new and fresh to listen to as summer ends. If the rest of the album sounds like this, I’m pretty much a fan for life, and I don’t care how old I am. I’m not ashamed.

And by the way, I’m glad you’re legal now.

But don’t take my word for it fellow earbudders, take a listen.



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